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intro Looz Corswarem Hoeve is a historic farmhouse in Heeswijk Dinther owned by Brabant landschap and occupied by Stichting Looz Corswarem The place functions as daycare for individuals with mental disabilities by providing a learning, and playing environment were they practice different skills to help them be active members of society , it also a cozy guest-house with particular attention to the needs for people with disabilities , since it's in the location of the famous Heeswijk Kasteel with historical ties to it and its charming landscape

The building witnessed many changes in function through decades from farmhouse to barn to a home for older people and currently a daycare and a guest-house, most of the adaptations for new features were instant and unplanned, which resulted in a variety of problems now, this is when we were asked to intervene and re-evaluation the situation and come up with business plan and designs solution to improve the situation

Vlakenplaan Mapping the current functions of the place Produced with Revit and illustrator